About The School Of Breathwork

The School of Breathwork was founded in 2022 by Eleanor Mann, after completing a five year mentorship and training in Rebirthing Breathwork Mastery (RBM) Trainer and Supervisor.

TSOB offers internationally recognised professional training in Breathwork, and we are the only training organisation offering training in RBM, the Parasympathetic Breathwork style developed by Alakh Analda in 1992.

Australian Breathwork Association Logo
Breathwork Practitioner Training endorsed by the Australian Breathwork Association
A client in the midst of an individual Breathwork session with Eleanor Mann
13 Retreat Participants at The School Of Breathwork, lying on their backs in a circle with their heads together and smiling
Founder & Director Eleanor Mann, sitting on a linen couch, eyes closed, with her hands on her chest and belly
Retreat Participants engaged in a Breathwork session at The School Of Breathwork
Founder & Director Eleanor Mann, sitting on a linen couch, her eyes gently closed, focusing on her breath

Meet the Team

The International Certificate in Rebirthing Breathwork Mastery is facilitated by Eleanor Mann, Jess Miller and Sarah Mann

Eleanor Mann is the Founder and Director of TSOB, a Diploma Level RBM Practitioner and Practitioner Trainer, and has dedicated her life to sharing RBM with the world.

Jess Miller is an RBM Practitioner who has worked alongside Eleanor since 2015, she has deep care and presence to your unfolding mastery with life and the breath.

Sarah Mann and I have been working together professionally since 2012. After facilitating 100’s of retreats and groups together over the years, we have a deeply attuned synergy as co-facilitators, and create spaces rich in a deep trust of the Breathwork Process.

They are supported by Alakh Analda, the founder of RBM, who is a guest trainer for Stage 2.

Founder & Director Eleanor Mann, looking directly at the camera and smiling softly

Eleanor Mann

Director & Lead Trainer


Jessica Miller

RBM Stage 1 Trainer


Sarah Mann

RBM Stage 1 Trainer

Alakh Analda

Alakh Analda

Founder of RBM & Guest Trainer


Jess Farrell

Training Coordinator


Brooke Fuhrmann


Jade Tziavaras

Retreats Coordinator