Breathwork Retreats
Immerse yourself & unwind at a deep level.
A 6 Day immersion in Breathwork is an experience like no other. An opportunity to reconnect deeply to your authentic truth, that is hidden underneath the busyness and distraction of everyday life.
Come and be deeply nurtured by the land, by Eleanor and the TSOB team of Breathwork Practitioners, and of course, your breath. We choose our Breathwork retreat locations carefully to allow nature to hold our journey, and gather like minded souls to breathe together to form lifelong connections.
Upcoming Retreats
6 days of Breathwork at the beautiful Gymea Retreat Centre in Northern Rivers NSW. Attend for personal growth or as a part of Practitioner Training.
6 days of Breathwork at Amara Valley Eco Retreat Centre in Girona, Spain. Attend for personal growth or as a part of Practitioner Training.
5 days of Breathwork at The Earth Spirit Retreat Centre in Glastonbury UK. Attend for personal growth or as a part of Practitioner Training.
6 days of gentle parasympathetic Rebirthing Breathwork Mastery at Elontuli Centre, Helsinki Finland. Attend for personal growth or as a part of Practitioner Training.
6 days of Breathwork at the beautiful Gymea Retreat Centre in Northern Rivers NSW. Attend for personal growth or as a part of Practitioner Training.
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Experiences of past attendees
“Never could I have imagined what I was walking into and what I would leave with at this Breathwork Retreat. I think I have thanked my friend about a million times for telling me to come.
Coming back to real life has been really beautiful, knowing now that all these gifts I’ve been given have come back with me. All my intentions are just here now within me - still feels a bit hard to believe!”
"I’ve been trying to find words. Where I have landed feels so amazing, so powerful, there are no words big enough to encompass it all. The short version is that I feel new, like I get to be the woman that I have known I am for such a long time but couldn’t find my way to. Yet here I am landed in her/as her and it’s unwavering. (Occasionally I have to ask myself is this really real?!) Simply, it is."
"I feel shifts in the way I am parenting and loving and viewing artwork and writing. It’s so embodied. I’m responding to life through recognising my innate feelings and sensations and not getting caught in my head in the hows or the whys. It’s such a relief and is meaning-making and authentic which is just heaven to me! I can hear myself! She’s flowing. I’m so excited to ripple it out into the world."
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! Please get in touch to discuss. Email
For any questions, enrolments or to map out your pathway to becoming a Breathwork Practitioner, please email